A story about the Riziner told by the Tzemach Tzedek - Tonight is Yartzeit of the heiliger Riziner
Fascinating Halachic question about a jew who built a sukkah in a concentration camp shortly before sundown on Erev Sukkos and ate a Kezayis after dark and immediately deconstructed the sukkah
Read MoreAmazing debate between the Alter Rebbe and the Shpoler Zayde as to how one should get closer to Hashem - vov tishrei is the yartzeit of the Shpoler Zayde
Read MoreA tale of 2 Chazanim from the city of Kremenchug - told by the illustrous chossid Reb Saadiah Liberov - The inspiring prayers on Rosh Hashana of the legendary chossid Reb Yisroel Noach Belinitzky
Beautiful story with the holy Rizhener who met a simple Jew who saved the jewish community through his simple and sincere prayer - וסלחת לעוונינו כי רב הוא
Fantastic story with the first Belzer Rov, the Sar Sholom of Belz, during motze shabbos slichos
Read MoreInspiring tosafos in Rosh Hashana 17b that Reb Mendel of Rimanov asked every erev RH for his Gabai to announce in shul
Read MoreThe great chossid Reb Avrohom Eliyahu Axelrod first Rosh Hashanah in the US in 1920
Read MoreMy memories of Reb Nissan's davening on the first night of Rosh Hashana - his crying and his singing.
Read MoreAwesome story told by the Tzemach Tzedek in a maamar about a dream Reb zushe had where the Baal Hatosffos Rabbeinu Yitzchok explained to him a line in the machzor of Rosh hashono
והוא באחד ומי ישיבנו ונפשו איותה ויעש נורא וקדוש
Read MoreThe dramatic story of Reb Shaye Bardeki who was forced to swim to the shore of Yafo with his 2 children and the cry of ‘Tatte!!!’ From his little daughter that saved her life - profound lesson for Rosh Hashana
Read MoreIncredible story of מסירת נפש for שופר in Aushwitz
Read MoreGevaldig story about Chasam Sofer and his Rebbe Reb Noson Adler about how to have שמחה של מצוה
Read MoreA fascinating story of the Tzemach Tzedek and the Tcherkasser Rebbe re תורה לא בשמים
Read MoreGreat story of the Chozeh of Lublin that illustrates the concept of תורה לא בשמים
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