A second idea on זה היום from Rebbe’s maamar is how it applies to the נשמה of a Jew
Read MorePowerful thought from the Rebbes maamar about the prayer זה היום תחילת מעשיך
Read MoreAmazing insight from the Barditchever on why we mention in מלכיות the psukim from כתובים first
Read Morenice pshat on באין מליץ יושר מול מגיד פשע
Read MoreGreat insight from the holy Rizhiner on the words in Musaf - כי זוכר כל הנשכחות אתה
Read MoreA tale of 2 Chazanim from the city of Kremenchug - told by the illustrous chossid Reb Saadiah Liberov - The inspiring prayers on Rosh Hashana of the legendary chossid Reb Yisroel Noach Belinitzky
How the שבועה of the נשמה is the key to the עבודה of ראש השנה in making hashem a מלך over the entire Creation- Rebbe’s Maamar
Read Morewhy is Tishrei referred to in מדרש as the Month of the Oath - ירחא דשבועתא? Fascinating insight of the צמח צדק
Read MoreBeautiful nigun song by the famous chossid Reb avrohom mayor to the words in the rosh hashana davening 'gaavoso godlo'
Read MoreInspiring tosafos in Rosh Hashana 17b that Reb Mendel of Rimanov asked every erev RH for his Gabai to announce in shul
Read MoreThe great chossid Reb Avrohom Eliyahu Axelrod first Rosh Hashanah in the US in 1920
Read MoreMy memories of Reb Nissan's davening on the first night of Rosh Hashana - his crying and his singing.
Read MoreAwesome story told by the Tzemach Tzedek in a maamar about a dream Reb zushe had where the Baal Hatosffos Rabbeinu Yitzchok explained to him a line in the machzor of Rosh hashono
והוא באחד ומי ישיבנו ונפשו איותה ויעש נורא וקדוש
Read MoreThe dramatic story of Reb Shaye Bardeki who was forced to swim to the shore of Yafo with his 2 children and the cry of ‘Tatte!!!’ From his little daughter that saved her life - profound lesson for Rosh Hashana
Read MoreIncredible story of מסירת נפש for שופר in Aushwitz
Read MoreThe yartzeit of Reb Yaakov Yosef of Polno’eh, student of the Baal Shem Tov. What made a spiritual giant surrender to the authority of the Baal Shem Tov?
Read MoreThe dramatic story of Reb Shaye Bardeki who was forced to swim to the shore of Yafo with his 2 children and the cry of ‘Tatte!!!’ from his little daughter that saved her life - a profound lesson for Rosh Hashanah
Read MoreReb Yonoson Eibeshitz on the story in the Gemoro regarding Reb Akiva’s prayer being answered while Reb Eliezer’s were not - אבינו מלכינו אין לנו מלך אלא אתה
Read MoreBeautiful vort from the Riziner on why Rosh Hashana falls on the first of the month and why Hashem is also seeking atonement on Rosh Hashana
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