Stirring melody by Reb Pinchos Koritzer on the words אמנם כן, יצר סוכן, בנו בך להצדק, רב צדק ועננו סלחתי
וכל אדם לא יהי' כ''ג 1
Read MoreAn ערב יום כיפור story of a tailor, an officer and a fish - from the מדרש and it’s deeper meaning as explained by כלי יקר, חתם סופר and חסידות
‘Hashem resembles a Mikvah’ - fascinating insight of the Rebbe on the last משנה in מסכת יומא
Remarkable explanation by the Tzemach Tzedek as to why Kol Nidre became the introduction to the whole mood of Yom Kippur
Read MoreBeautiful story of the holy Rizener regarding the relationship between Pesach and Yom Kippur
Read MoreThe 2 reasons for the Mitzva of eating on Erev Yom Kippur and their Halachic implications
Read MoreRemarkable explanation by the Tzemach Tzedek as to why Kol Nidre became the introduction to the mood of Yom Kippur
Read MoreGeshmaker Kedushas Levi on the seven days before Yom Kippur when the Kohen Gadol spent in the לשכת פלהדרין, and the meaning אחת ואחת, אחת ושתיים
Read MoreAn Erev Yom Kippur story from the Midrash of a tailor, an officer and a fish, and it’s deeper meaning as explained by Kli Yakar, Chasam Sofer and Chassidus
Read MoreAmazing pshat on עשה למען תינוקות של בית רבן
Read MoreBeautiful insight from Reb Yonasan Eibeshetz about the greatness of gerim
Read MoreA person who may not fast on Yom Kippur does he have a mitzvah to eat on erev Yom Kippur.
Read MoreAn incredible experience watching the legendary chossid and Oved Hashem reb nissan eat the meal before Yom Kippur.
Read MoreBeautiful insight from the Rebbe Reb Yonasan Eibeshetz on the story in the Gemoro about an encounter between a Kohen Godol at the end of Yom Kippur and Shmaya and Avtalyon.
Read MoreBeautiful melody on the words Omnom Kein from Yom Kippur composed by Reb Pinchos of Koretz, student of the Baal Shem Tov.
Read MoreHistory about the above nigun Ashrei Ish.
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