Beautiful insight on why Hashem will test the Nations of the world with the mitzvah of סוכה, by famous Mekubal (400 years ago) Reb Avraham Azulay (author of חסד לאברהם), Rabbi of Chevron.
A fabulous idea in ליקוטי תורה about two types of מצוות - מצוות that involve the self of the person and those that can only be performed without the involvement of the self
The difference in approach between other chassidic sources and Chabad re the uniqueness of Hoshana Rabbah. The brochos from Above vs. the Avodah of the Jew.
Geshmaker insight in the first משנה in 3rd perek of סוכה that לולב הגזול פסול - from the sefer תפארת שלמה
How Sukkah and Lulav celebrate 2 different aspects of our relationship with Hashem - A fascinating interplay between the Halachic (Nigleh) aspects of those mitzvas and their Mystical dimensions
Fascinating Halachic question about a jew who built a sukkah in a concentration camp shortly before sundown on Erev Sukkos and ate a Kezayis after dark and immediately deconstructed the sukkah
Read MoreReb Yochanan ben Zakai’s teaching about our relationship with the בית המקדש
Why did ר׳ יוחנן בן זכאי enact 2 traditions in one day - shaking the lulav for 7 days and refrain from eating חדש till the end of the 16th of Nissan? Fascinating insight into our relationship with the בית המקדש
Read MoreFascinating Halachic question about a Jew who built a Sukkah in a concentration camp shortly before sundown on Erev Sukkos, ate a Kezayis after dark, and immediately deconstructed the Sukkah.
Read MoreGevaldig pshat of the Rebbe Maharash related to תפילת גשם in the words יחד לב וגל אבן מפי באר מים
Read MoreFantastic story with a Jew who turned his hat into a Sukkah and Holy Rizhener’s reaction
Read MoreA nice vort of the Rizhener as to what turns a simple hut into a Sukkah
Read MoreBeautiful insight on why Hashem will test the nations of the world with the mitzvah of Sukkah
Read MoreAmazing insight from Reb Meir Shapiro into the meaning of the 2 libations of water and wine during Sukkos
Read MoreBeautiful Alter Rebbe in last maamar in Likutei Torah re certain mitzvahs that can only be performed without consciously planning to engage in them.
Read MoreFascinating evidence from the natural growth of the Arovo for the absolute self effacement of the simple Jew who has neither taste nor fragrance.
Read MoreThe amazing bond of a Jew through the Arovo n Hoshana Rabbah - The Rebbe.
Read MoreThe difference in approach between other chassidim sources and Chabad re the uniqueness of Hoshana Rabbah. The brochos from Above vs. the Avodah of the Jew.
Read MoreA beautiful insight from the Rebbe specifically the mitzvah of Sukkah should be the first mitzvah we engage in right after Yom Kippur.
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