The Kloyzenburger Rebbes humorous comment on Reb Akiva’s statement that he once witnessed a pagan who tied up His own father and fed him to his dog (cited in Rashi)
The Chasam Sofer’s novel idea that when eating meat at night and one goes to sleep, one does not have to wait 6 hours before drinking milk because digestion is expedited when one sleeps. But he was proven wrong
Fascinating Or Hachaim Hakodosh on how the act of killing an entire city of idol worshippers - עיר הנידחת - will not effect our character
Gevaldig insight and story on how to give tzedaka - Reb Meir Shapiro and Reb Shmelke of Nikleshburg
The blessing and its substitute - Targum Yonoson Ben Uziel
Read MoreAn incredibele anecdote during WWII that illustrates how the greatest light emerges from the deepest darkness
Read MoreDouble type of suffering and a double type comfort - loko bekiflayim Nechomo bekiflayim
Read MoreGeshmaker Vort from Reb Yonoson Eibeshitz as to why the torah uses different wording regarding brocho than the wording it uses for Klolo
Read MoreGeshmake pshat of the Avnei Nezer on the possuk לא תתגודדו which reflects relationship between the two meanings of these words
Read MoreBeautiful Zohar in this week’s parsha ‘Don’t cook a goat in its mother’s milk’
Read MoreBeautiful insights by Reb Yonoson Eibeshitz on the difference between a curse and a blessing
Read MoreBeautiful insight on why Hashem will test the nations of the world with the mitzvah of Sukkah
Read MoreBeautiful conversation between the Chofetz Chaim and the old Gerer Rebbe אחרי דרך מבוא השמש
Read MoreAwesome pshat of Or Hachaim Hakodosh on Parshas Reeh and an incredible story
Read MoreAmazing question by Minchas Chinuch: Why isn't every violation in Torah subject to Misa Bidei Shamayim?
Read MoreA great question in the gemoro regarding a Novi who supresses his Nevuah
Read Moreאיש כמתנת ידו nice pshat by the Shela Hakodosh on
Read MoreWhen a Jew serves Hashem in order to gain ברכה and to avoid קללה - Shela Hakodosh, the Rebbe
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