The difference in approach between other chassidic sources and Chabad re the uniqueness of Hoshana Rabbah. The brochos from Above vs. the Avodah of the Jew.
Geshmaker insight in the first משנה in 3rd perek of סוכה that לולב הגזול פסול - from the sefer תפארת שלמה
How Sukkah and Lulav celebrate 2 different aspects of our relationship with Hashem - A fascinating interplay between the Halachic (Nigleh) aspects of those mitzvas and their Mystical dimensions
Fascinating Halachic question about a jew who built a sukkah in a concentration camp shortly before sundown on Erev Sukkos and ate a Kezayis after dark and immediately deconstructed the sukkah
Read MoreReb Yochanan ben Zakai’s teaching about our relationship with the בית המקדש
Why did ר׳ יוחנן בן זכאי enact 2 traditions in one day - shaking the lulav for 7 days and refrain from eating חדש till the end of the 16th of Nissan? Fascinating insight into our relationship with the בית המקדש
Read MoreAn ערב יום כיפור story of a tailor, an officer and a fish - from the מדרש and it’s deeper meaning as explained by כלי יקר, חתם סופר and חסידות
‘Hashem resembles a Mikvah’ - fascinating insight of the Rebbe on the last משנה in מסכת יומא
Remarkable explanation by the Tzemach Tzedek as to why Kol Nidre became the introduction to the whole mood of Yom Kippur
Read MoreA tale of 2 Chazanim from the city of Kremenchug - told by the illustrous chossid Reb Saadiah Liberov - The inspiring prayers on Rosh Hashana of the legendary chossid Reb Yisroel Noach Belinitzky
Beautiful story with the holy Rizhener who met a simple Jew who saved the jewish community through his simple and sincere prayer - וסלחת לעוונינו כי רב הוא
Beautiful vort of the holy Rizhener re Shabbos Tshuva
Read MoreWhat prayer did Avrohom Avinu say on Har Hamoryiah? - מי שענה לאברהם אבינו בהר המורי׳.
The Shelah Hakodosh and the Maharsha
Read MoreHow the שבועה of the נשמה is the key to the עבודה of ראש השנה in making hashem a מלך over the entire Creation- Rebbe’s Maamar
Read Morewhy is Tishrei referred to in מדרש as the Month of the Oath - ירחא דשבועתא? Fascinating insight of the צמח צדק
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