ויאמינו בה׳ ובמשה עבדו - Remarkable explanation of the בעש״ט as to why our relationship with Moshe is instrumental to our relationship with Hashem
Read MoreTitus thought that the Jewish G-d is in control of the sea only - an interesting explanation by תולדות י״י
Read MoreChazal tell us that Moshe’s preoccupation with rescuing the bones of Yosef out of Mitzraim shows his immense love for mitzvos - a remarkable insight from the תשובות בית יעקב
Read MoreInspiring insight from the תולדות יעקב יוסף on the possuk ואמר פרעה לבני ישראל נבוכים הם בארץ
3 halachic reasons for why the Egyptians only died after they washed up on the shore - פנים יפות
Why does it say in the Shema לאהבה את ה׳ אלוקיכם instead of לאהוב את ה׳ another gem from torah or
Gems from תורה אור פ׳ וארא - why we say סלח לנו after we׳ve gone through most of shacharis
The Alter Rebbes profound explanation as to why moshe was to throw his staff in front of Paroh
וירא אלוקים את בני ישראל, וידע אלוקים What’s the meaning of וידע אלוקים - a Chassidic insight
Powerful teaching of the Baal Shem Tov re Moshe’s vision of the burning bush והסנה איננו אוכל - told by the alter Rebbe at the famous polemical debate in Minsk ה׳תקמ״ג
How could Moshe refuse to serve as the messenger to redeem the jewish nation?! Didn’t he care about their suffering?! A great insight from the Riziner.
Fascinating insight into the halachic state of the Jews in Egypt who worshipped idols by Rabbi Yosef Ber Soloveichik author of Beis Halevi.
Read MoreThe relationship of ערבות (guarantorship) and Kingship - why יהודה was destined for kingship