Why were the Egyptians punished if Hashem already preordained that the Jews will be enslaved?
Read MoreMoshe was afraid of פרעה, so was יעקב when faced עשו. Neither of should have says the מדרש
וירא אלוקים את בני ישראל, וידע אלוקים What’s the meaning of וידע אלוקים - a Chassidic insight
Powerful teaching of the Baal Shem Tov re Moshe’s vision of the burning bush והסנה איננו אוכל - told by the alter Rebbe at the famous polemical debate in Minsk ה׳תקמ״ג
How could Moshe refuse to serve as the messenger to redeem the jewish nation?! Didn’t he care about their suffering?! A great insight from the Riziner.
Fascinating insight into the halachic state of the Jews in Egypt who worshipped idols by Rabbi Yosef Ber Soloveichik author of Beis Halevi.
Read MoreFinal installment regarding the Haflo’oh's principle of intent vs duress - 2 types of duress in Halacha
Read MoreFascinating Shelah Hakodosh regarding Moshe’s nevuah and how it evolved from an earlier more limited state to a greater state of nevuah
Read MoreThe deeper meaning behind the connection between Dovid’s fight with Golias and the Mitzvah of ברית מילה
Read MoreThe Gemoro about ותתצב אחותו remarkably points to the famous note in Tanya ch. 35 in the name of of the Mezricher Magid
Read MoreInteresting Midrash as to why the custom metal blade to circumcise an infant - ותקח צפרה צור ותכרות את ערלת בנה
Read MoreDramatic Sicho of the Rebbe on Moshe Rabbeinu’s question ואמרו לי מה שמו - the Rebbe sobbed during that Sicho
Read MoreAbsolutely fascinating Maharsha on ותתצב אחותו מרחוק
Read MoreBeautiful lesson from great Tzadikim about the power of will
Read MoreBeautiful vort of Reb Meir Shapiro on the Torah’s description of Moshe in the the basket crying like an adult
Read MoreAlter Rebbe in Torah Or explains what golus means
Read MoreBeautiful anecdote and insight of the Chasam Sofer about the Midrash that because Aharon was happy in his heart.
Read MoreInsightful vort of Reb Levi Yitzchok of Barditchev about what Hashem answered Moshe to his complaint that he could not speak
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