What does the possuk אמר אויב ארדוף אשיג וגו have to do with the שירה which is full of שבח for Hashem? Baal Shem Tov
How did the hands of Moshe influence the outcome of the war against Amolek? Reb Pinchos Koritzer
The one who believes in Moshe believes in Hashem, a remarkable insight from the Baal Shem Tov on ויאמינו בה׳ ובמשה עבדו
Great story about שירת הים with Reb Elimelech of Lizensk - told by Reb Yankele of Pshevorsk
ויאמינו בה׳ ובמשה עבדו - Remarkable explanation of the בעש״ט as to why our relationship with Moshe is instrumental to our relationship with Hashem
Read MoreTitus thought that the Jewish G-d is in control of the sea only - an interesting explanation by תולדות י״י
Read MoreChazal tell us that Moshe’s preoccupation with rescuing the bones of Yosef out of Mitzraim shows his immense love for mitzvos - a remarkable insight from the תשובות בית יעקב
Read MoreInspiring insight from the תולדות יעקב יוסף on the possuk ואמר פרעה לבני ישראל נבוכים הם בארץ
3 halachic reasons for why the Egyptians only died after they washed up on the shore - פנים יפות
The Alter Rebbe's interpretation of the dual meaning of Krias Yam Suf
Read MoreHow did people in the Midbar do Gemilus Chassodim if everyone got the same amount of Mon?
Read MoreFascinating insight from Mezricher Magid and the Rebbe’s explanation on the splitting of the sea
Read MoreFascinating anecdote about an encounter between the Rogatchover and the Bobover Rebbe, who was murdered in concentration camp, and their conversation regarding Eruv Tavshilin
Read MoreCan a forbidden food be tasted in the Mon? The Chida addresses this
Read MoreBeautiful Or Hachaim Hakodosh that explains the power of a Jew to alter the course of nature through Torah
Read MoreToday is the anniversary of the first day of the מן in the desert - fascinating Baal Haturim that there’s a connection to Pesach Sheni
Read MoreBeautiful pshat on the possuk in Mishleh עשיר ורש נפגשו עושה כולם ה׳ - success is not based on human intelligence
Read MoreParohs feminine horses and masculine horses - Alter Rebbes fascinating insight into the Zohar.
Read MoreThe power of Bitachon - remarkable Or Hachaim Hakodosh and teaching of the Baal Shem Tov.
Read MoreGreat discussion between Rashi Even Ezra Ramban and Rabbeinu Bachya as to the meaning of why Hashem take us the long way to Israel?
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