Why the holy Rizhener refused to save his life by changing his last name while running from czar’s soldiers - לך לך מבית אביך
Great story with the holy Riziner related to this parsha - וימאן אדום נתן את ישראל עבר בגבולו
How could Moshe refuse to serve as the messenger to redeem the jewish nation?! Didn’t he care about their suffering?! A great insight from the Riziner.
The third story the previous Rebbe tells re the relationship of the Riziner and the Tzemach Tzedek
Fascinating story and insight from the Holy Riziner based on Eliezer’s story in the house of Besuel
Read MoreThe third incredible story the Previous Rebbe tells regarding the relationship of the Riziner and the Tzemach Tzedek
Read MoreStory with the holy Riziner on how to view challenging people in ones life - related to the vort of the Tchernobeler
Read MoreBeautiful vort from the Riziner on why Rosh Hashana falls on the first of the month and why Hashem is also seeking atonement on Rosh Hashana
Read MoreFascinating story with the holy Riziner and the Tzemach Tzedek on the first shavuos of the Tzemach Tzedek’s leadership
Read MoreA fascinating anecdote told by Previous Rebbe re the Tzemach Tzedek’s behavior on the day the Riziner passed away
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