How could Moshe refuse to serve as the messenger to redeem the jewish nation?! Didn’t he care about their suffering?! A great insight from the Riziner.
Fascinating insight into the halachic state of the Jews in Egypt who worshipped idols by Rabbi Yosef Ber Soloveichik author of Beis Halevi.
Read MoreThe relationship of ערבות (guarantorship) and Kingship - why יהודה was destined for kingship
The Shelah Hakodosh shows how this explains the controversy between Yosef and his brothers
Gevaldig Malbim on Paroh’s question to Yaakov כמה ימי שני חייך and Yaakov’s puzzling response
Beautiful insight from Tzemach Tzedek and Reb Nochum Tchernobeler on the relationship between the 7 cows and the seven candles of the Menorah
interesting Shelah Hakodosh on the פך השמן and it’s connection to the angel striking Yaakov בכף הירך
Fantastic lesson we learn from רחל אמנו how to ensure that our tefilos are heard - כלי יקר
Gevaldig pshat of the Riziner on כי לא אעזבך עד אשר אם עשיתי את אשר דברתי לך
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