Why is the principle of אין עשה דוחה לא תעשה not applicable in the בית המקדש - Reb Yosef Engel on מה נורא המקום הזה
A הלכה discussion re the sale of Esav׳s בכורה to Yaakov - wasn’t it a sale of a דבר שלא בא לעולם?
A halachik question whether Eliezer acted as a shliach - legal proxy - for Yitzchok in marrying Rivkah - The Rebbe and Reb Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev
The historic controversy re the status of a prospective convert who has had his Bris but not Mikvah
יומם ולילה לא ישבותו - what is the definition of rest for a ben noach?
Read MoreGeshmaker insight in the first משנה in 3rd perek of סוכה that לולב הגזול פסול - from the sefer תפארת שלמה
How Sukkah and Lulav celebrate 2 different aspects of our relationship with Hashem - A fascinating interplay between the Halachic (Nigleh) aspects of those mitzvas and their Mystical dimensions
Fascinating Halachic question about a jew who built a sukkah in a concentration camp shortly before sundown on Erev Sukkos and ate a Kezayis after dark and immediately deconstructed the sukkah
Read MoreFascinating halachic discussion on the permissibility for יהושע to cover the 12 stones, which had the text of the Torah on them, with plaster - wouldnt that erase Hashems name?
Read MoreA fascinating story of the Tzemach Tzedek and the Tcherkasser Rebbe re תורה לא בשמים
Read MoreGreat story of the Chozeh of Lublin that illustrates the concept of תורה לא בשמים
Read MoreThe 2 reasons behind the principle of תורה לא בשמים היא and their halachic implications - חתם סופר and חסידות
Read MoreFascinating discussion on the halachic principle of תורה לא בשמים היא - debate between כסף משנה and חתם סופר
Read MoreThe debate between the Rambam and the Rosh whether a Rov may pasken a halacha based on halachic sources that don't report the underlying reasoning of each halacha
Read MoreHafloos - Reb Pinchas Horowitzs fascinating principle re an act thats performed voluntarily and under duress simultaneously - can we excuse a former Nazi officer on grounds of acting under duress.
Read MoreA challenge to the Hafloohs axiom re an act done under duress and by will from the Gemoro
Read MoreThe Haflo’oh’s fascinating axiom re an act of sin or mitzvah that’s done both under duress as well as by one's volition
Read MoreAnother profound insight into the halachic concept of inheritance and its spiritual application to our relationship with Torah
Read MoreWas the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Halachically ethical? The controversy which erupted in the ghetto
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