The historic controversy re the status of a prospective convert who has had his Bris but not Mikvah
יומם ולילה לא ישבותו - what is the definition of rest for a ben noach?
Read MoreThe world was covered by water twice - in the beginning of Creation and during the flood. Why?
The Midrash explains that Hashem’s praise came originally from water as the world was enveloped entirely in water. Chassidus gives a deeper understanding of this.
Beautiful insight of the Holy Riziner on מי הגיד לך כי עירום אתה
Read MoreGeshmaker vort of Reb Levi Yitzchok Barditchever about the order of the creation of שמים וארץ
Yartzeit of Reb Levi Yitzcok Barditchever. His beautiful insight into the puzzling Midrash which asks which actions does Hashem prefer? The actions of tzadikim or the ones of the Resha’im.
Reb Levi Yitzchok of Barditchev on בראשית ברא אלוקים and the connection to ה׳ מלך, ה׳ מלך, ה׳ ימלוך
What prayer did Avrohom Avinu say on Har Hamoryiah? - מי שענה לאברהם אבינו בהר המורי׳.
The Shelah Hakodosh and the Maharsha
Read MoreFascinating halachic discussion on the permissibility for יהושע to cover the 12 stones, which had the text of the Torah on them, with plaster - wouldnt that erase Hashems name?
Read MoreWhat happened to the baskets of the ביכורים ? - three interpretations
Read MoreGevaldig story about Chasam Sofer and his Rebbe Reb Noson Adler about how to have שמחה של מצוה
Read MoreThe Rebbe Rashab’s fascinating insight into למען ספות הרוה את הצמאה
Read MoreBeautiful insight from Ramban and Daas Zekenim for למען ספות הרוה את הצמאה
Read MoreRamban’s fascinating interpretation of כי בשרירות לבי אלך - the psychology of decadent behavior
Read MoreA fascinating story of the Tzemach Tzedek and the Tcherkasser Rebbe re תורה לא בשמים
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